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Mayan Guided Oracle and Mayan Hot Stone Therapy
Saturday, 21 October 2006
Ix Chel

In Maya mythology, Ixchel or Ix Chel was an earth and moon goddess, patroness of weavers and pregnant women.

One myth states that the sun was her "lover," but that her grandfather was very upset with this and he threw lightning at her out of jealousy which in turn killed Ix Chel. In the story it stated that dragonflies sang over her for 183 days and then she awoke again only to follow the sun to his palace. But the sun soon after too started to become jealous of Ix Chel, thinking that she was having an affair with the morning star, who was the sun's brother. The sun threw her out of heaven and then persuaded her back home, but soon after her return he became jealous again. It is said that Ix Chel became annoyed with the behavior of the sun and so she went off into the night and remained invisible whenever the sun came around. At her new place in the night it is said that Ix Chel spent the nights nursing women of Earth through their labor (during the stint of their pregnancy and birth).[1]

The story of Ix Chel and Itzamna shows both interesting similarities and differences with the Japanese myth of Izanagi and Izanami. The names and personalities are reversed in one version of the story as compared to the other. Izanami is the female, and she is the one who violently attacks her husband.

Ix Chel was said to pay special attention to the pilgrims who visited Cozumel, which was her sacred island. Isla Mujeres was also devoted to her worship.


x Chel, the "Lady Rainbow," was the old Moon goddess in Mayan mythology. The Maya people lived around 250 AD in what is now Guatemala and the Yucatan in Mexico. Mayans associated human events with phases of the moon.

Ix Chel was depicted as an old woman wearing a skirt with crossed bones, and she had a serpent in her hand. She had an assistant sky serpent, whom they believed carried all of the waters of the heavens in its belly. She is often shown carrying a great jug filled with water, which she overturns to send floods and powerful rainstorms to Earth.

Her husband was the benevolent moon god Itzamna. Ix Chel had a kinder side and was worshipped as the protector of weavers and women in childbirth.

The Lessons of this Goddess

Ix Chel has woven herself into your life to tell you it is time to express creativity. It is time to stoke the fire, time to let your creative energy flow. Create! Be daring! But also be responsible and conscious, whether your creations are works of art or works of the flesh (children). Creativity nurtures, creativity reweaves the tears in our vitality, creativity heals. It is our birthright and our life blood; it makes us healthy and happy. We women have the ability to create: we give birth. So find the time, make the time, create the time to be creative. Beat the drum, use those paints, amke that pottery, put on those dancing shoes, write those novels, explore your sexuality, rejoice in your own creativity. Create in the way that is appropriate for you. Let nothing stop you.

Do you feel blocked creatively because you aren't as good as someone else? Do the kids, your partner, your family, your job keep you from being creative? Stop using your creativity to find reasons not to create. The Goddess says wholeness is nurtured when you open to your creativity and live it.



Posted by hydroflexology at 5:37 PM NZT
Thursday, 19 October 2006
Mayan Guidance Oracle [ I - Ching ]

I offer a unique Mayan Guidance Oracle by correspondence.  Simply ask the oracle for guidance send me that specific request and a card is selected on your behalf.  The guidance from the card is sent back within 24 hours.

Within the Guidance card you will be given a number, colour, chakra point, acupuncture healing points, and  Mayan influenced guidance, along with physical points of the body that may need attention.



Posted by hydroflexology at 1:31 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 19 October 2006 2:39 PM NZT






+6 [0] 7 55347583



Posted by hydroflexology at 1:25 PM NZT
Mayan Hot Stone Therapy

For those seeking balance in their lives I invite you to experience a unique guided journey of imagery and colour in a treatment tailored to suit your individual needs. Enjoy the feeling of wellbeing as you draw in energy. Release negativity and physical stresses.  Embrace ancient principles, earth tools and warmed seawater pads, infused with organic healing balm. To rejuvenate your thoughts and regenerate your energy. 

"There is no limit to the knowledge our unconscious mind can store" .

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There is more to life than simply increasing its speed ...Gandhi


One hour treatment $75.00 Book Now  


email: deblang@quik.net.au or phone: +6 [0] 7 55347583

Posted by hydroflexology at 1:17 PM NZT

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