Professional Hot Stone Massage Kits |

Professional Traditional Hot Stone Massage Therapy Kits
Hydroflexology Professional Hot Stone Massage Kits:
[52] Stone Kit $130.00
[22] Basalt Marine Stone Kit $50.00
[22] Chakra Kit $60.00
[13] Basalt Marine Stone Kit $20.00
Can be transferred to mp3 for Ipod
I am the author and storyteller in this Guided Meditation.
It was born from experience and I offer all of my services to those who are suffering.
This meditation is currently being used successfully in my
practice. Please read my feedback from those who are now
currently using these techniques.
Guided imagery is a form of self-hypnosis that has been
associated with positive stimulation of the immune system.
Positive suggestion is used to release negative self-image, assist in creating and achieving goals, and as a natural way
to relieve physical, mental and emotional stress.
The method can be used to treat stress-related
illnesses such as high blood pressure and insomnia.
This is a journey where you will find yourself in a complete state of relaxation.
This CD has been used at an International Day Spa, with success as a therapy for anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression,
panic disorders.
You are here for a reason. If you are leading a stressful and busy life and are looking for a way to find complete relaxation.
Guided Meditation may be the answer.
MAGNETIC WRIST BAND - with unique moveable magnetic pad
MAGNETIC ANKLE BAND - with unique moveable magnetic pad
Australian Made $12.50
This Mayan Guided Meditation is now available on CD for self use.
Metaphysic Products for spell work. Ask for what you need and I should be able to supply it. Please message me.
Product List
1. Muscle Balm 100% Feedback.
Treat Sciatica, Back/Neck Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Arthritis, this is a balm for new Mums with back ache. 15ml Jar $15.00
2. Quit Smoking Addictions Herbal Remedy 100% Feedback
To assist in quitting tobacco, cannibis, painkillers. $10.00
3. Sleeping Herbal Remedy
If you have trouble sleeping this Ayuvedic brew will keep you clear headed and treat the cause by relaxing the mind and
body. $10.00
4. Pick Me Up [Tonic and Powder]
Do you wake up tired. This 2 step treatment will give you energy to last the day. $20.00
5. Mood Enhancer Herbal Remedy
Feeling down? This pleasant potion will keep you calm and will enhance your feeling of wellbeing. $10.00
6. Antiaging Gel
Using a blend of Omega 3, Marine Collagen, Aloe vera, Papaya, Kelp and Seaweed Extract to plump and firm skin. Wonderful
tonic and a fun face festival. 15ml Jar $15.00
7. Dead Sea Mineral Mud/Clay
The Dead Sea is rich in magnesium and bromine the relaxing effects of which help to reduce nervous tension. It includes
minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, bromine and calcium. As it dries, it pulls out any toxins, cleaning and tightening
and firming your skin. The mud removes the toxins, impurities dirt particles. Treats, arthritis, muscle stiffness and aches,
rheumatism, joint inflammation, psoriasis, eczema, acne and wrinkles stimulates blood circulation due to thermopexic properties.
Postage and Handling on all items $9.50. My postage costs are high as they combine the actual amount it costs to package,
handle and post the item. I use First Class recycleable materials. It takes me approximately 3 hours to prepare each prescription.
Practice Treatments
Hydroflexology Treatment $50.00
Omega 3 $50.00
Dead Sea Mineral Mud Treatment $50.00
Workshop P.O.A
Are you in Pain? |

Stress, Quit Smoking/Addictions, Tired, Grumpy |