Hot Stone Therapy Kit with Dead Sea Mineral Mud
$60.00 Now $40.00
[7] Therapy Stone Kit
[Boxed with secret opening]
Ideal for Neck, Shoulders, Back also can be used as Facial Set.
+ Bonus 30ml Jar of Dead Sea Mineral Mud with Omega 3
30ml Pot of Dead Sea Mineral Mud $15.00 FREE POSTAGE
Dead Sea Mineral Salt Exfoliation $10.00 FREE POSTAGE
Dead Sea Mineral Mud Anti Aging Wrinkle Arthritis Balm
Dead Sea Mineral Mud
The Dead Sea is rich in magnesium and bromine the relaxing effects of which help to reduce nervous tension. It includes
minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, bromine and calcium. As it dries, it pulls out any toxins, cleaning and tightening
and firming your skin. The mud removes the toxins, impurities dirt particles. Treats, arthritis, muscle stiffness and aches,
rheumatism, joint inflammation, psoriasis, eczema, acne and wrinkles stimulates blood circulation due to thermopexic properties.
Omega 3 Benefits Conditions or Symptoms indicative of Omega 3 treatment.
Depression, Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Fatigue, Dry or Itchy skin, Brittle hair/nails, Inability to concentrate,
Joint pain, Stimulates collagen production and elastin collagen thickening. Encourages skin renewal and minimize muscle contractions.
Reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles and fine lines. Helps provide long-term improvements in deeper wrinkles. Helps prevent
collagen and elastin breakdown to firm the skin. Reduce inflammation throughout your body. Keep your blood from clotting excessively.
Maintain the fluidity of your cell membranes. Lower the amount of lipids (fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides) circulating
in the bloodstream. Deficits in omega-3 fatty acids have been identified as a contributing factor to mood disorders.
Decrease platelet aggregation, preventing excessive blood clotting. Inhibit thickening of the arteries by decreasing endothelial
cells' production of a platelet-derived growth factor (the lining of the arteries is composed of endothelial cells). Increase
the activity of another chemical derived from endothelial cells (endothelium-derived nitric oxide), which causes arteries
to relax and dilate. Reduce the production of messenger chemicals called cytokines, which are involved in the inflammatory
response associated with atherosclerosis. Reduce the risk of becoming obese and improve the body's ability to respond to insulin
by stimulating the secretion of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism, and is expressed
primarily by adipocytes (fat cells). Help prevent cancer cell growth
If you are interested in learning how this amazing product can assist in various conditions and within the treatment I
use, please peruse the following information.
For those seeking balance in their lives I invite you to experience a unique guided journey of imagery and colour in a
treatment tailored to suit your individual needs. Enjoy the feeling of wellbeing as you draw in energy. Release negativity
and physical stresses. Embrace ancient principles, earth tools and warmed seawater pads, infused with organic healing balm.
To rejuvenate your thoughts and regenerate your energy.
"There is no limit to the knowledge our unconscious mind can store" .
I am a practitioner offering treatment of stress and stress related conditions. This may be of benefit to you, or to assist
clients, work colleagues or family and friends. If you believe that a happier healthier frame of mind will increase productivity
and performance, please read on. Are you stressed? Are your work colleagues and clients stressed? Are your family members
or friends stressed? Suffer from any two of the following? Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia, Headaches, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica,
Panic Disorders, Weight Issues, Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Addictions: Quit Smoking/Substance, Alcohol Issues, Workplace Stress
Hydroflexology-Omega3-Dead Sea Mineral Mud Treatment
Hypnotherapy - Addictions, Phobias, Co dependancy, relationships
Tweed Community College ONE DAY WORKSHOP 28th Feb, 2007. BOOK NOW
Christmas & Gift Certificates Available
In the past decade, stress in the workplace statistics have risen dramatically. Symptoms of stress in the workplace include:
Inability to concentrate, absenteeism, lack of commitment, diminished creativity, negative attitude and interaction with others.
The total cost of Australian workplace stress, is now estimated to be $1.2 billion pa. (ACTU Bill Mansfield May 2000)
Hydroflexology was designed specifically to deal with stress and stress related conditions. Our bodies are always working
toward homeostasis, which is a peak state of balance. Stress disrupts the equilibrium, heterostasis, a condition of physiological
imbalance, of this process. Hence we experience nervous and physical reactions. Theta brain waves are stimulated by this therapy
which creates, free association, creative inspiration and a sense of being at one with your body, mind and spirit.
It is also essential to relax the mind. In this regard Guided Meditation is used. When our minds are not at ease we secret
numerous neurochemicals, which influence our behavior. These hormones make us happy, anxious, depressed, sleepy or alert.
Knowledge is Power Hydroflexology treatments and workshops aim to provide knowledge to those wanting a healthier natural alternative
to stress and associated aches and pains. One that works. It is non-intrusive and enhances other professional treatments.
If you seek to improve client, office, home or personal morale to achieve success, I offer a free consultation to those
who suffer stress and stress related conditions. Treatments, classes and workshops by appointment. Quote your number for your
free Consultation. ebo6-1
The following treatments are available with a workshop treatment.
Ancient Earth Tools
Papaya Enzyme Skin Treatment - Suitable all skin types for face body: Studies at the University of Nigeria have revealed
that extracts of ripe and unripe papaya fruits and of the seeds are active against gram-positive bacteria. Strong doses are
effective against gram-negative bacteria.
In a London hospital in 1977, a post-operative infection in a kidney-transplant patient was cured by strips of papaya
which were laid on the wound and left for 48 hours, after all modern medications had failed. Papain has been employed to treat
ulcers, dissolve membranes in diphtheria, and reduce swelling, fever and adhesions after surgery. Is sometimes injected in
cases of slipped spinal discs or pinched nerves. Precautions should be taken because some individuals are allergic to papain
in any form and even to meat tenderized with papain. Contraindication: May bring on abortion.
Hydroflexology Therapies Hydroflexology is a unique treatment. It's principles combine hydrotherapy and reflexology, using
ancient therapies, earth tools and organic raw materials. Included in the treatment is a guided meditation which is an empowering
and rejuvenating journey.
Hydroflexology Therapies offers Practical Workshops and Treatments to parents, carers, professional, counselors, and those
who are leading stressful busy lives and are on a journey to find balance in their lives. Our bodies are always working toward
homeostasis, which is a peak state of balance. Stress disrupts the equilibrium, heterostasis, a condition of physiological
imbalance, of this process. Hence we experience nervous and physical reactions. Theta brain waves are stimulated by this therapy
which creates, free association, creative inspiration and a sense of being at one with your body, mind and spirit.
A free Consultation is available to those with stress related conditions.
STRESS MANAGEMENT: Are you in pain? Worried about work, finance, relationships?