Hydroflexology Therapies

Herbs for Happiness Quit Smoking Enhance Mood PMT PMS

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Heavenly Herbs for Energy Boost, Metabolism, Depression
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Herbs for Happiness Quit Smoking Enhance Mood PMT PMS
Heavenly Herbs for Insomnia, Depression, Enhance Mood
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Hydroflexology Happy Herbal Range


Hydroflexology Hot Stone Therapy to assist Quit Smoking Enhance Mood PMT PMS. $60.00 NOW $40.00

[7] Therapy Stones
[Boxed - with secret opening]

a generous size pouch of herbs. [16.5cm x 8.25cm Pouch]

The herbs I promote are happy herbs. None of them are harmful or addictive and contain no awful side effects, come downs or hangovers. The aim is to supply safe, legal, healthy and unadulterated organic herbs, which have been tested on human being over millenniums of historic use.
This will assist in quit smoking of tobacco and other smoking substances. As well as ENHANCING your mood.

Can also be used as an alternative and can be smoked or used as tea.

This blend combines: Californian Poppy, Nettle, Catnip, Damiana, Passionflower, Hops.

16.5cm x 8.25 cm Package of Happy Herbs $15.00 FREE POSTAGE

Heavenly Herbs for Happiness

Enhance Mood, Quit Smoking, Addictions.

The herbs I promote are happy herbs. None of them are harmful or addictive and contain no awful side effects, come downs or hangovers. The aim is to supply safe, legal, healthy and unadulterated organic herbs, which have been tested on human being over millenniums of historic use.

This will assist in quit smoking of tobacco and other smoking substances. As well as ENHANCING your mood.

Can also be used as an alternative and can be smoked or used as tea.

This blend combines: Californian Poppy, Nettle, Catnip, Damiana, Passionflower, Hops.



Nov 5, 2006 5:12 PM

Deborah, thank you. I am feeling so much better and so much happier, and of course I am thinking much more clearly. Have also quit the fags. I want to order some more please as I am giving them as a gift to my husband and some of my friends. I will continue taking the herbs as I feel like a new person. Crystal.

Those who look outside, dream

Those who look inside, awaken

-- Carl Jung

The addicts choice of drug is more --

Other Hydroflexology Herbs available are:

Detox Herbal Remedy

Help quit smoking, painkillers, etc.

Energy Boost Herbal Remedy

Wake up feeling tired? This is a great pick me up.

Mood Enhancing Herbal Remedy

If your feeling tired, or a bit down this is really good.

Omega 3 Brain Boost Balm

Makes you smarter and goes to the cause of your stress.

Sleep Powder

Won't make you drowsy, this relaxes the body and mind. Especially good to calm the nerves.

Hops benefits the liver, spleen, glands, muscles, and helps clean the blood. Hops is also known as a tonic herb in addition to being a sedative. Hops is high in B complex and trace minerals.

Passionflower is generally accepted as being of some help in dealing with withdrawal from benzodiazepines or opioids. And has shown sedative and anti-anxiety effects acts similar to a benzodiazepine in preventing induced seizures.

HERBAL PROPERTIES AND ACTIONS: relieves pain kills germs reduces anxiety enhances libido relieves depression increases urination reduces inflammation lowers blood pressure stops convulsions expels worms reduces spasms calms nerves mildly sedative tranquilizes.

Damiana is a source of vitamins and minerals, and contains a number of naturally occurring compounds, including phytosterols, terpenes and alkaloids.

Californian Poppy: American Indians used the leaves, flowers, smaller stalks as a tea for colic and sleeplessness. It is an excellent smoke. It is a safe alternative to tobacco or cannibis. Has been used successfully in interrupting addictions to morphine, tobacco and cannabis addiction. . California Poppy is legal because it is completely safe and non addictive.

Medicinal Use: Antispasmodic, Children's sedative [ADD, ADHD, Harm reduction addictive substances, Hyperactivity, Painkiller, Relaxant.

Catnip: Used for cramps, aches, fevers and fits, Also chewed on for headache relief. The Chinese use it for chest complaints and was the beverage of choice in Europe before tea was introduced from Asia. Is excellent for relaxation and stomach cramps, particularly period pain. Reduces consumption of cannabis or tobacco. Can also prevent a cold when taken immediately after the first symptoms [sore throat] appear. helpful for fevers, inducing sleep and enabling free perspiration without increasing body head and the aches and pains due to flue. Great for period pain, indigestion and nausea.

Medicinal Use: Anemia, Bags under eyes [reduces swelling] Bronchitis, Chicken pox, Colds, Coughs, Cramps [menstrual] Cystitis, Colic, Diarrhea, Drug withdrawal, ear infection, fatigue, headaches, hyperactivity, Indigestion, Insomnia, Lung congestion, Menstruation, Morning sickness, Nerves, Nightmares, Pain, period pain, restlessness [especially children], Sedative, Stress, Toothache, urine retention. vomiting worms.

Nettle: Hippocrates used nettle for snakebite and scorpion stings and as an antidote for poisons. High nutrients rich in amino acids, silicon, potassium, phosphorus plan hormone, iron, vitamins and minerals, that it extracts from the earth. As a tea, its astringent acting is a great detoxifier for the kidneys and bladder. Along with beetroot it has tremendous iron boosting ability, the absorption of which, is assisted by its high vitamin C content as well.

Medicinal Use: Acne, Adrenal tonic, Allergies, Anemia, Antiseptic, Anti-Inflammatory, Arthritis (external), Asthma, Backache, Bladder cleansing, blood cleanser and blood oxygenator, bronchitis, cramps, calcium deficiency, depression, diuretic, eczema, menstrual flow, fever and colds, fluid retention, gout, strengthens hair, harm reduction for cannabis, iron deficiency, kidneys, liver, low blood pressure, lumbago, lymph gland, night sweats, pain, P.M.S, increases red blood cells, rheumatism, sciatica, tendinitis, thyroid, vitality.

Sleeping Powder

This powder is a blend of Pipermethysicum and Ashwaganda which is a major herb in the Ayurvedic system of health and healing. You will not be treating the symptom with this blend but the cause. Ashwaganda's properties include: to soothe and calm your mind and body without causing mental drowsiness, to clarify the mind and improve the memory, to rejuvenate the body and speed recovery, relieve fatigue and strengthen the immune system. Also used to slow aging system.

For those seeking balance in their lives I invite you to experience a unique guided journey of imagery and colour in a treatment tailored to suit your individual needs. Enjoy the feeling of wellbeing as you draw in energy. Release negativity and physical stresses. Embrace ancient principles, earth tools and warmed seawater pads, infused with organic healing balm. To rejuvenate your thoughts and regenerate your energy.

"There is no limit to the knowledge our unconscious mind can store" .

STRESS MANAGEMENT: Are you in pain? Worried about work, finance, relationships?

I am a practitioner offering treatment of stress and stress related conditions. This may be of benefit to you, or to assist clients, work colleagues or family and friends. If you believe that a happier healthier frame of mind will increase productivity and performance, please read on. Are you stressed? Are your work colleagues and clients stressed? Are your family members or friends stressed? Suffer from any of the following? Fatigue, Depression, Insomnia, Headaches, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica, Panic Disorders, Weight Issues, Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Addictions: Quit Smoking/Substance, Alcohol Issues, Workplace Stress, Post Natal Back pain, pregnancy and birth lower back pain.