Professional Hot Stone Therapy Kits
On-Site Training Australia Wide
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Hydroflexology is a result of incorporating various forms of natural healing, to create a non-intrusive rehydrating therapy.
It encourages a deeper relaxation physically as well as spiritually. Energywork is applied to enhance mood and release negative
This unique form of complimentary healing is gentle and promotes a sense of wellbeing. Suitable for all ages. Pregnant
women can benefit from most treatments.
The Ultimate Relaxation Experience.
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Monday to Friday by appointment only.
Stonehenge Australia
07 5534 7583 or 0432 073 047.
If I am unavailable please leave a message or text. Alternatively, please email or contact me through myspace.
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Colour Therapy
Water, Giver of Life.
The human embryo is made up of 95% water, as adults we are 75%. Water is for a great part what we are. it is our kindred
When a hurt needs soothing, an inflammation cooling, or a vexed spirtit calming, we automatically turn to water whether
hot, cool, a both, a calming dring, a foot soak...
Because we are predominantly made up of the element, it is natural that when we are out of balance due to illness or stress,
water itself can hold the keys to bringing us back into balance.

On-Line Consultation
Do you suffer with a Panic Disorder? |

Panic Disorder - The silent fear |
Experience or Learn the Ancient Art of Mayan Hot Stone Therapy
Hot Stone Therapy Kits
Quit Smoking
Hydroflexology Therapy
Muscle Balm
Happy Herbs for Sleep
Heavenly Herbs to Enhance Mood
Crystal and Gem Therapy Kits
Guided Meditation CD
Metaphysic Products
Omega 3 Treatment
Depression Treatment
PMT PMS Herbal Remedy
I Ching Readings
Magnetic Therapy
Dead Sea Mineral Mud & Salt
Anti Wrinkle Treatments
Chakra and Colour Therapy
Deep Tissue, Pregnancy, Lymphatic Treatments
Hydroflexology Hot Stone Therapy Kits |

Practitioners Delight |
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Learn why the Mayan Calender ends December, 21st 2012.
Ancient Mayans were intimately connected with the natural balance of the environment. They performed body beautification
rituals with meditation periods to awaken the pure essence of the self.
Since ancient times, Mayan shamans have believed that jade and quartz are sacred due to their metaphysical properties,
purifying qualities, and energy benefits.
Along with these principles and hot stone massage therapy, Hydroflexology, combines the vigorous healing energy accumulated
in hot stones with aromatic oils.
This ritual will ensure the release of tension, anxiety, and the toxins these emotions create by renewing the energy of
the body and mind.